1. Feedback = TpT Credits
That's right. After you buy a product, make sure you go back and leave some love for the teacher-author! For every dollar you spend, you will earn one TpT credit. They even round up for you! It seems like nobody does that anymore in the buyer's favor! Don't believe me? Click here to read more.
2. Leaving Feedback vs. Product Q&A
Believe it or not, sellers love to hear from the people using our resources. We love those warm fuzzies! BUT, we are human and no matter how many times we look something over and even our colleagues look things over for us, sometimes something slips by. If you do find a mistake of some sort in a product that you download for free or purchase, please let the seller know! This is not done through leaving negative feedback. If you find something in the product like a typo or a flat out mistake you should contact the seller through the Q&A first. Give him/her a reasonable amount of time to respond. Most sellers I have contacted with a problem have been very quick to respond and have been so gracious. One even let me pick another product of hers for free for pointing out a few mistakes!
3. Check your My Purchases for updates
Products are updated for a number of reasons. Sometimes sellers choose to update the style of the product, add pages, update content, etc. Since you already purchased the item, you can simply download the updated version at no additional cost. Next to the product icon, you will see a note in red font saying "Newly Revised Re-Download."
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